At Mountain Springs, both Advisors and Allies play crucial roles in creating a supportive, growth-oriented environment where students can thrive and achieve their goals. This personal guidance helps our students to develop their full potential and address their personal, educational, social and other individual needs.  

Advisors at Mountain Springs

We take pride in our team of six exceptional Advisors. Each Advisor brings unique qualifications and expertise in guiding students to reach their full potential. Upon admission, every student is paired with an Advisor who becomes their personal advocate and support system throughout their stay. 

Role and Responsibilities of Advisors

1. Personal Meetings and MAPP Plan Goals:
  • Advisors meet with students at least once per week, often more frequently, to discuss and work on their individualized MAPP (Mountain Springs Academic and Personal Progress) plan goals.
  • They assist students in overcoming any challenges or conflicts they may face.
  • Advisors help students engage in extracurricular activities and pursue their interests within the community.
2. Communication with Parents and Consultants:
  • Serving as the primary contact for parents and educational consultants, Advisors conduct weekly phone calls to update them on the student’s academic performance, personal growth, and overall well-being.
  • They ensure that parents are well-informed and involved in their child’s progress.
3. Liaison with Community Therapists:
  • Since therapy at Mountain Springs is provided by private practitioners in the community, Advisors maintain regular communication with these therapists.
  • They provide updates on the student’s school performance and collaborate with therapists to create a cohesive support plan.
4. College Application Support:
  • Advisors guide students through the college application process, ensuring they meet all deadlines and requirements.
  • They assist in setting up extracurricular activities, volunteer opportunities, and offer employment coaching.

Allies at Mountain Springs

Our staff at Mountain Springs are known as Allies, emphasizing their supportive and nurturing role rather than authoritarian supervision. Allies act as positive role models, fostering personal growth and change through strong, supportive relationships with students.  

Ally Responsibilities

1. Personal Mentorship:

  • Each student is assigned a personal Ally who dedicates time weekly to meet with them outside of regular shift responsibilities.
  • These meetings can be informal, such as outings or meals, providing a relaxed environment for building trust and openness.

2. Close Relationship and Support:

  • The mentoring process is designed to ensure every student has a trusted staff member they can confide in and rely on for support.
  • Allies work closely with the Advising Team to track progress on MAPP goals and assist in organizing extracurricular activities like jobs, sports, and other interests.